Saturday, May 7, 2016

God Bless Captain Wentworth

“I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. I am, I am, I am.” 

I rediscovered this quote. It's from the Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath and I don't know why it's been on replay in my head, but it is. And I can't escape it, but I love it.

It's finals week and I have a 10 page paper that I'm working on, but I told myself that once I got to page 5 I could take a break. So here I am, taking a break watching Netflix and updating my blog. (Apologies for the delay of posts.) Mostly I'm just updating my book reviews cuz I am hella behind.

The Third Policeman by Flann O'Brien
Started: March 28, 2016
Finished: April 1, 2016
Stars: 4/5

This book is straight up weird. But hilarious. But absurd. But ridiculous. When you first start reading it, you think that it'll be a normal read, about a poor Irishman and his life story. But it's not. Like at all. IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE.

There is no logic to this book but that's what makes it awesome! The footnotes add a whole different aspect to the story and the narrator. and it's brilliant. The atomic theory is hilarious, you'll love it I swear.
I don't really know what else to say about it because there are no other words to explain it. It's just a really strange but great book.

Emma by Jane Austen
Started: March 27, 2016
Finished: April 6, 2016
Stars: 5/5

Oh Emma. I think the reason why Emma is a hard character to like is because she messes up all the time. But I also think that's why she's relatable. Everyone messes up and Emma gets called on it alllllll the time by Knightley. I think this is why I like Emma so much. She's childish and causes problems, but in the end she gets her own happy ending. And I think that's what everyone is looking for.

This is third time that I've read Emma and every time I read it, I get all happy and fall in love with a different character. This time, I realized how great Knightley is. The first time I fell in love with Emma and her intelligence. The second time I realized how great Mrs. Weston is. (No seriously, she is basically match-making Emma and Knightley the entire book.) The past two times, I thought that Knightley was an overbearing jerk who needed to let Emma make her own mistakes. But he's basically the backbone of Highbury. He makes sure everything goes smoothly and everyone is happy and provided for. I want someone like that in my life.

Persuasion by Jane Austen
Started: April 6, 2016
Finished: April 18, 2016
Stars: 6/5

I love this book. It's my all time favorite book. And if I go on a rant right now, I'm sorry, but I just can't help it. Everything about it makes me giddy and unable to contain my excitement. I'm also going to apologize for any spoilers.

This is the second time I've ever read Persuasion and I forgot how much I love it. Anne is the perfect character. She quietly sits in the background of the entire novel, up until the very end. She is modest and kind and selfless and just the most pure character. All I want to do is protect her. She's solemn and melancholy after nursing her broken heart for 8 WHOLE YEARS!!! WHAT??? WHO HAS THAT DEDICATION?? And after you figure this out, you're like damn Anne, get over him. But then you meet who she's been hung up over. AND HOT DAMN CAPTAIN WENTWORTH YOU ARE A GIFT TO MANKIND. You totally understand why Anne can't get over him. Because he's perfect. Literally in every way except that he doesn't pay attention to Anne (not explicitly) until the second volume. Cuz honestly he's still kind of pissed off at her (which he's totally justified in being upset with her—you'll figure out why).

Captain Wentworth's letter gets me every. single. damn. time. I get this stupid little grin and I clap my hands a few times. This time, when I read it, I was kicking my feet in the air as I laid on my couch in the living room. Where everyone could see me. Last time I read this, once I had it finished, I re-read Wentworth's letter I don't know how many times. When I'm sad, I go and read his letter because it's the best flipping thing since sliced bread. It's amazing. Hands down the best, most happiest thing I've ever read.

If you haven't read Persuasion, you are missing out and you need to read it ASAP. It's only 200 pages so it's not like a huge commitment, but you'll want to give it your full attention (no reading it while watching Netflix, sorry).

Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard
Started: April 30, 2016
Finished: May 2, 2016
Stars: 5/5

This may not be news to anyone but this series is my fave and they are beautiful with a strong female heroine and so so so so so so so so so good!!!!!!! I love it. I kind of have a slight book hangover from this one and I just keep thinking about the ending (HOLY CRAP TALK ABOUT CLIFF HANGER AND PLOT TWIST) and all the characters in it are flawless.

Cal is bae (obviously) and Mare is amazing and so conflicted throughout the entire novel. I don't know what else to say that won't give away the plot or the emotions or the feels or I don't know. I just love her writing, it's so beautiful and powerful and makes you feel so many things.

When I was maybe 2/3 of the way finished, I had to put the book down because I was so worked up and anxious. I was sweating, I was jittery and I was just hyped by the adrenaline that the plot gave me. It was a whirlwind of a read.
Low key upset that I have to wait until 2017 for the next book because I need it yesterday.

SOP: As Much As I Ever Could by City and Colour

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