Monday, March 28, 2016

BRB Napping

You know that feeling when you wake up from a nap and you have no idea where you are, what day it is, or even who you are? That's me but all semester.

I have no idea what day it is because last time I checked it was February and I was bundling up for cold weather. Now it's March (almost April if you want to get technical) and I'm wearing sandals. All I can think is WHERE THE HECK DID ALL THAT TIME GO???

I'm not ready. I need more time for this semester. I am not ready to think about final paper topics and graduate school applications and more standardized tests. There's also one other thing... I am SOOOOO not ready to be a senior. Nope. Nope. Nopity. Nope. Not ready. Give me another four years please.

So that's me right now. Quietly but forcefully panicking about the future and how much I am not ready for it.

I'm sorry I took a small hiatus. School is busy and apparently, I've been napping (psychologically) since I last posted. Yay naps!

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
Started: February 21, 2016
Finished: March 8, 2016
Stars: 5/5

Joyce, my man. He's great. I love his language, I love his writing style. I love his characters. I even love his strong bouts of existentialism.

Stephen is a great character. He is flawed in so many ways, but that is makes him so realistic. He is struggling to find himself and doesn't quite know where he fits in this mess we call humanity. He doesn't really know what he wants, except that he wants to be an artist. Same Stephen. Same.

I read this book for My Irish Literature course and also wrote a pretty great parody to it. I enjoyed it at least.

But yeah... 10/10 would recommend Joyce.

Passenger by Alexandra Bracken
Started: January 17, 2016
Finished: March 12, 2016
Stars: 4/5

What a whirlwind of a story. I loved the history and the places. Her imagery is always phenomenal and her characters are always so diverse and realistic. Not going to lie here, but Etta got on my nerves a few times. But it was worth it because that just made her seem all the more realistic to me. The ending kills you. You feel for these characters and I was engrossed. I did have to set it down for a few months because I couldn't finish it in January before school overtook my life. But I'm so glad I was able to put off school work and pick this one back up during Spring Break!

Winter by Marissa Meyer
Started: March 13, 2016
Finished: March 17, 2016
Stars: 4.5/5

This was such a great conclusion to the Lunar Chronicles. I don't really know what to say about it because I'm still a little starstruck. All of the characters were so great and the friendships are my favorite parts about these books. It was so great that I don't even know where to start!!!!

Mansfield Park by Jane Austen
Started: February 19, 2016
Finished: March 22, 2016
Stars: 3.4/5

Funny story about my time reading this. So I thought for my Austen class that after reading Pride and Prejudice, we would read Mansfield Park, so I was a good student and read the assigned reading days before it was due. Then I look at the calendar to check my other homework and on the date that it was due, I see that we were supposed to read Northanger Abbey and NOT Mansfield Park so I was royally screwed. The only positive thing was that I had already ready NA and just refreshed myself by reading the spark notes. It's funny now, but I was flipping shit when I first realized my error.

Mansfield Park didn't leave me with the happy feeling that all of her other books did. I didn't like any of the characters, first of all. Except for Fanny and William and Susan (the last two don't even have a major role in the book). Edmund seemed boring and just annoying. I get why Fanny liked him, but she totally could've done soooo much better. At one point, even though Henry Crawford is despicable in the end, I was rooting for him and not Edmund. He's so much more suave than Edmund. Edmund is like that older brother who doesn't let anyone have any fun unless he somehow justifies himself for having that fun also. Buzzkill.

But I love Austen. It's impossible to not like her books even though the characters are blah. So Read it and Enjoy it. I swear.

SOP: Let It Go by James Bay
(or is it James BAE, idk you decide)

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