I’m watching the Grammy Awards right now and Taylor Swift just performed her song All Too Well (to be honest, I’ve listened to that song 160+ times on my iTunes and it’s easily my favorite song so a little biased here) but the song is about a horrible breakup that she went through and that she is still very emotional about. During a rap performance Taylor was dancing and having fun! Dancing a little off-beat, but from one white-girl to another white-girl, staying on beat isn’t as easy for us when it comes to dancing. Personally, I’m a little insecure about dancing in public because I’m terrible at it, so props to her for not caring about her not-so-on-point dancing.
My roommate was on Twitter and the things people said about her and her television appearances for the Grammy’s were startling. People telling her that her white-girl moves did not need to be on network television or that this wasn’t a Metallica concert and her “head banging” during her performance was too much for an awards ceremony. Random Twitter accounts were telling her not to jam out to a live performance because she can’t dance to it. (Granted, she’s not the most graceful dancer, but if she wants to dance, by golly, she should dance!)
We talk about “being who you are” and not caring about what other people think about you, but that’s impossible with the hate that we get when we “be ourselves.” Taylor Swift was just being herself and acting like she has no care in the world.
Why do people have to be so hateful?
I get that it’s an insecurity thing with some people. Jealousy maybe. I don’t know.
Why is it “cool” for people to be mean to other people? Why isn’t it “cool” to be nice or kind to other people?
Humanitarian questions that probably rattle everyone’s minds—not just mine.
Like: Why are people evil? Aren’t people inherently good? What changes that? Why isn’t there some kind of alliance between humans against things like poverty, illness and disease or natural disasters? What provokes people to be so evil towards other people? What sparked the beginning of the evil chain?
It might be because of my philosophy class, or I’m thinking too much about the characters in Les Miserables, but here I am asking all these idealistic questions that have a small chance of ever being answered.